Category: News
Legal victory for another refugee
Alex, a Sudanese refugee, has won the case against the Italian Government. He has finally seen his rights recognized and can enter Italy. In June 2021, a ship – under Italian and Frontex control – pushed Alex and 170 other people back to Libya, ignoring their asylum requests. The ruling of the Court established that…
It can be done!
The Italian government CONDEMNED. The refugee Harry arrived in Rome from Libya this morning (12/25/2024) He is only the first of many people illegally pushed back Libya for whom we will be able to bring justice #ItCanBeDone Tg3 Domani Repubblica Radio Onda d’Urto Evrim Agaci
Help us buying the Tripoli-Rome plane ticket for the refugee who won the case
Crowdfunding to buy a plane ticket for Harry, who now, after the ruling of the Court of Rome, can legally come to Italy from Libya. In 2018 Harry was the victim of the illegal pushback Asso Ventinove, discovered and reported by us at JLProject. Thanks to the help of JLProject and the lawyers of Sciabaca…